Saturday, February 14, 2009

isnt valentines day for love.. or something?

so like.. it is right?
I dont know why I am a cynic when we get to valentine's day. I mean it is a day for love right? But how so? I mean, you have an idea of what you expect or want from your valentine. so when s(he) does not live up to the expectation, arent you a little dissipointed? There for leaving a little resentment towards the situation. Just saying!! I mean, even if we are the most practical.. you still hope for that maybe flower he picked from his neighbors yard, or stopped and atleast made you a card.. and for the more lavish.. atleast a teddy bear or something. Easy to get your hopes up high, to only get dissipointed.
Now, what freaks me out, is the actions everyone is doing leading up to the day, and the day of this proposed Love day. The lonliness some people endure, they take it out on people. Quite understandable huh? You're miserable, to see people happy, its a little disturbing. i get it.
I just dont like the emphasis people put on the day. I dont see why i should only get flowers on one day a year. But under all my cynicism, and backlash on V-day.. I am a little dissapointed in a guy i am dating. He is seeking for our relationship to be serious. I get it.. I am cool. But here I am sitting here on v-day while he spends the day with his kids. Which is great. it is by far a pleasure to see a man spending time with his kids. And how dare me to want to be the star today. I know, Im an ass.. but. just kinda wished, he had put a little priority into me. That is all the mushy ness i am allowing myself today. LOL..
So, my ex.. he texted me that he really missed me.. as he put it "more than you know" LMAO.. surprised it came that early. For i only just maybe a month ago, told him i was over him. I did text back stating i miss him too.. it is mutual. But when is it fair for him to let me go. On and off for 9 years.. Not too fair you know. But the crazies come out on this day for the almighty love.
So what were you wishing for? Me, I wasnt wishing for anything. I tend to not like being let down. It is however my dog's first birthday.. And yeah.
.. we will see.. maybe today will turn out better..

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